Monday, December 2, 2019

Unraid Build for Plex Automation

Hardware List

The Unraid Host
Building Skyros

Rosewill RSV-L4312 - 4u Rackmount Chassis

Disk Shelf

I won't be going over the specifics of building out the physical machine, the important parts to take away from this will be that im using an externally connectable LSI HBA card, using the cable linked just below it, and the disk Shelf. With this combination, you can run the single cable from the back of the Unraid host to the back of the NetApp DiskShelf and see the drives in a JBOD (just a bunch of disks) format.

Below is a quick picture of the resulting setup. One "Compute" server running Unraid, connected to a disk shelf.

Docker Setup

I will be focusing on the following:


To start, this can be done several ways, this is what i landed on as being the fastest way to ingest new media.

Setup a few directories how ever you see fit, this is how mine is.

Under a share i created named Media i have the following:
You can ignore any folder not associated to a Movie or TV Show genre such as transcode, tmp, nzb etc

Some folders to house the retrieved media, as well as a complete, and an incomplete folder, the complete folder having sub folders for movies and shows.

Lets start with NZBGET, this is what a lot of your dockers will be talking to. Here is my container settings page:

Before i go any further let me make it clear, for usenet services, you need both an indexing service (to find the media) and a server (to download the media)
There are guides on reddit and lists suggesting which sites to use. Personally i use NZBGEEK as an indexer and Newsgroup Ninja as a server.

Lets continue..

Configure your Server, port, and connection type, i recommend TLS/SSL connections

For the connection count, i set it to one, determined the average speed, and then figured out how many connections at average speed would i need to saturate my network and used that number, you can adjust the live speed later on.

And now the Paths settings

I believe the above settings will be ignored while the below categories are used.

I have yet to configure my NzbDir, Queue, Temp and Web dir, which is why you see those folders earlier in one of the images, i plan to move these to clean up my Media folder.

Now we need to setup Categories, this is how we will differentiate Movies from TV Shows.


TV Shows:

Please google around for other minor adjustments that can speed up Nzbget.

Next, Sonarr, nothing special as far as setup goes, here is my container settings page.

Sonarr and Radarr both have built in support for Nzbget so the setup is easy, the main thing to focus on is making sure the category name you gave to Nzbget is the same one typed in the Sonarr settings, for some reason i went with all lower case, but i believe default is to have the first letter uppercase.

Sonarr Indexer settings
I also have my drone factory setup, though it isn't needed.

Now we will do a similar process in Radarr

I know its probably not correct, but i have my Drone Factory turned on....i don't recommend doing this.

I also have Remote mappings setup, thought i don't believe they are needed in my case, i will include them though.
The Host is the IP of where i want to connect, the remote path that NZBGET saves files, and the local path of how this docker / server will reach the remote path.  This will be needed in scenarios where your container paths have different directories defined, or using an external machine to download media.

All you need to do now is make sure everything is turned on and add some movies and shows to your list to download.

That is it for this post, i will continue with setting up Plex at another time.

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